

Loan Process

House hunting is exciting. But you know what makes it even better? Looking at homes you may be able to actually afford. That's why it's important to start your process by working with a mortgage pro (like us) to find out how much you might qualify to borrow and what you might be comfortable spending each month. This can help you set your initial home budget. We'll help you consider overall home price, monthly payment, interest rate, taxes, insurances and more.

We can also get you pre-qualified for a loan! No cost. No commitment. Just helpful information.

You'll upload some basic information and documents to our highly secure portal. Get stuck? We'll be here to help. Wondering what types of documents you'll need? Check out our application checklist.

Whether you're buying a home or refinancing, there could be many types of home loans to choose from. We'll shop hundreds of those options and help you choose a mortgage loan that meets your needs. We'll compare things like interest rates, down payment requirements, total costs and more. Learn about many types of home loans.

Congrats! The big day is here. You'll sign on the dotted line and officially become the owner of your new home (or receive the benefits of your new refinance loan). We'll tell you all about what to expect in the days leading up to closing. All you need to think about now is how you'll celebrate.

Have questions? We have answers.

And if we don’t, we’ll do our best to find them.

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